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2021 April

Monthly Archives: April 2021

An African in America 2020: A mother’s hope for social justice

Racial violence and oppression tortures Black parents with never-ending anguish.

From E-RADication to Reparations

Students in the Deecolonize English Class are putting learning into action resisting RAD and denouncing displacement, incarceration and genocide.

If Medicare for All had been in force, hundreds of thousands killed by COVID...

Medicare For All could alter the U.S.’s “Wealthiest country in the world, where you have to be rich, employed and white to have access to healthcare” reputation.

Jerri Lange, Bay Area media legend, social activist, educator and author, has passed

Jackie Wright honors the life and legacy of Bay Area icon, Jerri Lange.

Shinobu, is this what solidarity looks like?

One hand, one heart . . .one world.

Stealing our last acre and one remaining mule: Black, Brown and no income San...

by Tiny Gray-Garcia  Since 2013, in backroom deals with non-profit organizations, the San Francisco Housing Authority and HUD have been quietly enacting a benignly named...

Asking for my critique like I’m somebody

SF Bay View hears ‘somebody.’

Earth Day 2021 in San Francisco!

The lines are drawn – Captialism’s Profits over People, or, Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win, all Power to the People

A hero’s welcome: ‘Heroes of Hip-Hop’ expansion coming to the George Moses Horton virtual...

Exit the numbing comforts zone and discover buried treasures in the ‘Heroes of Hip Hop’ at the George Moses Horton Project at Stanford University.

Free First 5 California kit remains essential to new parents, especially now

First 5 California debuted its informative and resource-packed Kit for New Parents to millions of families and caregivers throughout the state.

Affordable calls from prisons are a human right!

Predatory communication rates against prisoners, detainees and their families promote recidivism and must end.

Black Leaders: Spending must include Blacks as state prepares for billions in federal cash

Black-owned media is key to carry the messages of billions worth in opportunities available by President Biden’s proposed American Jobs Plan to disadvantaged minority communities and businesspeople.

Exposing rats in the social security system – and the coronavirus blues

Listen up Social Security! –The rat stops here! – Paradise Free Jah Love Supreme has you on blast!

State selling a Type 47 Liquor License – contact CDTFA

Pursuant to BPC §24049.5 and RTC §6796, the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) will sell a Type 47 Liquor License #472603,...

State selling a Type 21 Liquor License – contact CDTFA

Pursuant to BPC §24049.5 and RTC §6796, the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) will sell a Type 21 Liquor License #454482,...

Beautiful to broken elevator to bedbugs: My 17 years at Acton Courtyard Apartment Complex

The bedbug nightmare, it so so wrong, sleeping in the bathtub for way too long.

A call for solidarity with Haiti

The U.S.–UN backed Jovenel Moise dictatorship of Haiti gets millions of dollars and a bonus year of oppression, death and state-sponsored terror of its people.

Kinetic Justice: Terror on the plantation

He asked, “Are some above the law? Or is it that some are designated as less by the law?”

Mumia Abu-Jamal tests the limits of what the state can do to any of...

Free Mumia! The world is watching and in solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal. Freedom is the Only Treatment.