Sunday, February 9, 2025
2021 September

Monthly Archives: September 2021

LWOP is a death sentence: Give Stanley Bernard Davis a chance for parole!

California still has the death penalty in place, renamed to make the act of State Murder more comfortable for the citizenry.

US and UN treachery in the African Great Lakes Region: Why Rwandan refugees refuse...

Rwandan bodies and lives continue to feed the bottomless pit of U.S. capitalist, imperialist greed in partnership with Rwanda’s criminal President Paul Kagame while the United Nations agencies are exposed as complicit in silence.

City Hall political corruption reaches community-based institutions

“Black community organizations require mission-aligned leadership to implement their purpose. Instead, Booker T. Washington Community Service Center VP Farah Makras informed me that many of her friends voted for Donald Trump.” - Former Board President Julian Davis

God bless you for helping Sam!

Sam Johnson is fighting for his young life and with hope laced with anguish, friends are asking for prayers and community offerings to help Sam’s family and save this precious human life.

Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson: In answer to pig harassment, keep the heat on ‘em!

Bold, courageous and brilliant freedom fighter Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson finds the humor in the deadly chess game of holding pigs’ feet to the fire.

Hurricane Ida: On the 16th anniversary of Katrina, we get hit again

Both extremely destructive, hurricanes Katrina and Ida were very different, and communities organizing with strategic plans for disaster response would be far more efficient at weathering future storms.

Urgent! Call the governor! Jalil Muntaqim demands the immediate transfer of Kevin Rashid Johnson...

Jalil Muntaqim’s URGENT appeal to call Ohio Gov. DeWine and demand Kevin Rashid Johnson’s immediate transfer out of Lucasville – notorious white supremacist Lucasville Prison hell-bent on murdering Kevin Rashid Johnson.

Building up women for careers in construction

Bay Area Black women are unapologetically moving into construction, training with Mission Rock Academy and partners, to learn trade skills including running equipment like tower cranes, pile-drivers, forklifts, backhoes, boom trucks and Bobcat excavators.

On the unspeakable history of animal cruelty at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard

In the protracted work of Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai to research, educate and eradicate the harms of the deadly dumping of killer contaminants at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, Sumchai exposes the additional history of animal radiation experiments compounding the suffering.

United Educators of San Francisco rally at City Hall August 31, 2021

Educators, union members, families and supporters of United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) gathered at SF City Hall on Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021, for a "Clean Air" rally!

The Vance offers 20 affordable apartments at 830 Eddy St., San Francisco – apply...

Below Market Rate (BMR) Rental Apartments Available The Vance at 830 Eddy Street, San Francisco CA 94109 4 Studios at $1210.00 a month; 10 One Bedrooms...