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2021 October

Monthly Archives: October 2021

GIRLFLY in the Gardens

Like new leaves emerging on the twig, GIRLFLY participants poetically acknowledge their vital humanity of belonging.

The Navy uncovered Strontium-90, and they want you to think it’s OK. It’s not!

The indomitable Dr. Ahimsa Porter Simchai continues to expose the deadly injustices, today in the form of Strontium-90, threatening residents around the Hunters Point Shipyard Federal Superfund site.

A calling to come home

Finding the right fit among programs available to help adult children coming from parents of substance use disorders can be challenging, yet possible.

How Transgender Law SB 132 is being manipulated by heterosexual males in prison

Transgender Law SB 132, while well meaning, needs immediate rework to prevent harm now happening to real women in prison.

Statement on findings of high Strontium-90 levels at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Superfund site

Elected officials would rather protect their capitalist, imperialist corporate development projects than protect the people from toxic and deadly living conditions.

The day after International Tribunal 2021 found the US GUILTY of genocide!

The International Tribunal 2021 and subsequent verdict places the Movement for liberation and self-determination on the international stage with the onus on We the People to create the next steps forward.

Guilty on all counts!

The International Panel of Jurists 2021 finds US guilty of Genocide and Gross Human Rights Violations against Black, Brown and Indigenous Peoples.

Keidra is returning to Ghana wit’ D’Wayne Wiggins of the Tonys and a tour...

Keidra’s first trip to Ghana inspires her return this December to make the Oakland 2 Accra Connection with music, heart and humanity.

SFSU students speak up following threat of campus violence

Community Journalist Sierra Bourne interviewed SFSU students following a threat of armed violence on campus on the evening of Sept. 28, 2021.

Stream it live: International Tribunal of legal experts to judge U.S. human rights abuses...

“This proceeding will establish overwhelming evidence that this country and its settler colonial predecessors have committed genocide, as defined by the United Nations, against Black, Brown and Indigenous People for over 400 years,” said Jihad Abdulmumit.

The Tribunal: Active, organized resistance and empowerment

The Tribunal will prove the fact that capitalism fueled by greed, corruption and racism is destroying the environment. It will show that the lives of Black, Brown and Indigenous people do not matter in the face of profits and the unbridled acquisition of wealth.

Tyrell Wilson: Killed for being Black and houseless in Klanville aka Danville

Tyrell Wilson “was peaceful, polite, never caused any problems,” yet was murdered by Sheriff Deputy Andrew Hall through the lens of racism, classism and hate.

Burned to death on the streets of San Francisco

The intentional burning death of a sleeping homeless community member begs the question: Who are we?

Beyond Indigenous Peoples’ Day

New Roots Theater Festival centers BIPOC artists bringing joy and celebration in dance, song, music, poetry and theater for two days running, Oct. 16-17.

San Francisco court’s racist denial of the constitutional right to a speedy trial

Constitutional Sixth Amendment violations against Black and Brown San Franciscans shed a damning light on SF court’s colonialist race and class oppression.

Sunrise Ceremony on Alcatraz Oct. 11, 2021

Editor Nube Brown attended the Oct. 11 Sunrise Ceremony to honor Indigenous Peoples' Day and the 1969-71 occupation of the island by our native brothers and sisters.

International Panel of Jurists to oversee Tribunal on US Human Rights Abuses Against Black,...

The petition against the US Government brought to the International Tribunal 70 years ago charging lynchings, executions, systematic inequalities and more remain relevant today.

Sam: Samuel-Ace Ieremia Johnson – Forever in our hearts

Samuel-Ace Ieremia Johnson’s journey home is carried in celebration of the love he had for life.

Jalil Muntaqim: Why it’s time for the International Tribunal

The International Tribunal will hear testimony on U.S. crimes against Black, Brown and Indigenous people to which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once referred stating the United States is the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet.

In the Spirit of Mandela Tribunal is a stepping stone toward New Afrikan independence

The International Tribunal 2021 is a firm step forward in the development of international relations for New Afrikan independence as the Republic of New Afrika within the illegal settler colony called amerikkka.