2022 August
Monthly Archives: August 2022
Open letter: Why stop busing Alice Fong Yu students from Bayview after 5th grade?
Alice Fong Yu, SFUSD and its Transportation Department need to take accountability for their failure to provide Bayview students equitable services that grant them the same opportunities as other students from wealthier districts.
SFPD escalates a biased stop to shootout on Shotwell
SFPD is a clear and present danger to our well-being.
‘First do no good,’ the hypocritical oath of prison medical care
Proof informs that Virginia Nottoway Correctional Center is guilty of intended murder by medical neglect.
Baldwin: ‘America’s genocidal intentions’
We are at a crossroads – this one particularly crucial to our survival.
The WHY of the Prisoner’s Subscription Fund
Prisoner’s subscriptions provide education and human interactions and relationships.
It’s time: Rapper Jelane Dugan releases new album and talks motivations and losses
With passion, Jelane Dugan capitalizes on all catalysts of inspiration.
Armed guards assault Parker Community School, fired educators speak out
Make your voice heard today, Aug. 10, at La Escuelita, 2nd Ave and E. 10th Street in Oakland, 4:30 p.m.
Bay Area broadcaster Greg Bridges hosts at San Jose Jazz Summer Fest this weekend
Our own Greg Bridges brings his excitement for jazz and hip hop to the main stage of SJ Jazz Summer Fest for second year.
‘The Mandela Act’ defines and limits solitary confinement in CA
The Mandela Act could be one giant step towards humane treatment in CA prisons.
Ann Hsu, Alison Collins and anti-Blackness at SFUSD
How does “inherent bias” support educating Black and Brown students?
Bill Russell was a revolutionary
He lived authentically in love and determination – Rest in Power, Bill Russell
Public Defender: DA’s lock-‘em-up drug policies don’t work
More of the same abusive policies will rob our communities of effective solutions.
Protecting your health and safety against the prison murder squad hierarchy
Murderous prison reality demands the need for a manual to protect your life, limb and meager property.
Fighting for reproductive justice and self-determination in post-Roe America
Power over incarcerated people vs. autonomy within incarcerated people.
People incarcerated in non-air-conditioned prisons are suffering amid the nation-wide heat wave
Prison system joins climate crisis to intensify threat of death sentences against prisoners.
Laguna Honda: State’s rushed closure of SF hospital paused after transfer deaths & community...
Looking for forever pause in patient transfers from Laguna Honda.
A name to conjure by: Sister Moon, Valjeanne Jeffers
Sister Moon “became a quiet foundation to a revolution long overdue.”
T.H.U.G L.I.F.E: From gangster to growth
Youth to youth in truth history, re-education, revolutionary love, language and music in the struggle for liberation.
The Queen of Steamfunk: Valjeanne Jeffers in memoriam
Sumiko Saulson honors her friend and her legacy.
A life strong and active in the struggle for freedom
Leadership and influence in anyone imprisoned are threats to the prison system.