Daily Archives: May 28, 2009
Marcel Diallo harassed and detained by Oakland PD in front of his home
It's Memorial Day, and I was just harassed and detained with unnecessary force right in front of my house on Pine Street by a Sgt. D. Ming, serial number 8493, for about an hour. He called four additional squad cars to back him up.
Village Bottoms Farms: Growing our food, owning our future
Marcel Diallo is a legend in Oakland for having put in over a decade of cultural work with the Black Dot Artist Collective, and now he is the main architect of a Black cultural district, the Village Bottoms Cultural District in the Lower Bottoms of West Oakland, near the old Army base.
Grown up music: an interview with rapper Jahi
"George and I" is Jahi and producer Korise' Big Tunes' newest creation where Jahi is rhyming to Korise's George Benson remake tracks. It's hot and innovative. I haven't heard a dedication/concept album like this. It feels good to be hearing these guys push Bay Area hip hop to new limits.
Caravan for Justice III brings the heat to the lawmakers
Signs reading "Justice for Oscar Grant," "Abolish the Three Strikes Law" and "Demandamos Justicia Ya!" floated above a sea of ralliers of different ages, religious beliefs, genders and ethnicities. From Bakersfield up to Sacramento, activists, teachers and family members came together to rally against laws that have failed to serve the betterment of their communities.