2015 August
Monthly Archives: August 2015
War on Terror? US proxies Ethiopia and Rwanda terrorize their own people
Two hundred delegates from African governments and institutions met in Kigali, Rwanda, yesterday for a symposium on “democratization and development.” Hailemariam Desalegn and Rwandan President Paul Kagame both spoke of the primacy of state power and African agency in development. Washington D.C.-based Ethiopian activist Obang Metho spoke to KPFA’s Ann Garrison about what was wrong with this picture.
Concerning reactionaries and thugs: The New Black Panther Party
Like many of my comrades, original Black Panther Party members, I have for years watched these strutting caricatures who call themselves the New Black Panther Party and expressed my disgust. But now I have had enough – they have crossed a line. Their most recent attack on our comrade, former member of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, Dhoruba bin-Wahad on Aug. 8, 2015, needs to be addressed in no uncertain terms.
Julian Bond, race man
Of all the labels and titles that could rightfully be appended to Bond – activist, politician, lecturer, commentator, professor – he wished to be remembered most as a “race man”: “A race man is an expression that’s not used anymore, but it used to describe a man – usually a man, could have been a woman too – who was a good defender of the race, who didn’t dislike White people, but who stood up for Black people, who fought for Black people. I’d want people to say that about me.”
When it gets to this point
Michael Brown? ... I had never heard of him ... had never heard anything he’d done ... before the news of his death came ... whoever he might have become ... whatever he might have achieved ... had he lived longer ... not been riddled lifeless by ... bullets from Darren Wilson’s gun ... and crumpled on the pavement of a Ferguson street ... for more than four hours in ... the heat of that August day ... and before ... I’d never heard of Trayvon Martin
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy goes out of his way to denounce solitary confinement
Justice Anthony Kennedy agreed with the majority in its most recent capital punishment case. But in an unusual move, he dedicated almost all of his concurring opinion to condemning the practice of solitary confinement in the nation’s prisons, even though the issue, of his own admission, had “no direct bearing” on the case. In Kennedy’s lengthy opinion concerning how Ayala was incarcerated, he noted that Ayala had been isolated for most of his 25 years of custody.
My summer vacation
It had been two years since I had seen my brothers, and this was the year I was going to see them, in New York. So me and my dad getting to New York started off badly. First of all we missed our flight, and we were on standby for a day and a half. For most of our flight, I was asleep. Our flight landed in Philadelphia in the midst of a rainstorm, so our flight was not coming. After we heard that news, me and my dad went to go get something to eat.
1,000 Black activists, scholars and artists sign statement supporting freedom and equality for Palestinian...
Over 1,000 Black activists, artists, scholars, students and organizations have released a statement reaffirming their “solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and commitment to the liberation of Palestine’s land and people.” “We urge people of conscience to recognize the struggle for Palestinian liberation as a key matter of our time,” the statement asserts.
Hell in paradise: Visiting Hugo ‘Yogi’ Pinell at Pelican Bay State Prison
Written Nov. 14, 2013 – The 80-mile drive from Eureka to Crescent City, Calif., must be one of the most beautiful stretches of highway in the world, with magnificent forests of spruce and redwood to the east and breathtaking vistas of the Pacific Ocean to the west. I’m on my way to Crescent City to visit Hugo Pinell, the only member of the San Quentin 6 – the famous trial that grew out of the murder of George Jackson – still imprisoned.
Support SB 124 to end solitary confinement for youth
California should display national leadership in the area of juvenile justice, not be among the states with the most backward, inhumane and primitive policies. We respectfully urge you to take whatever leadership steps are possible to protect the fundamental rights of this highly vulnerable population of juveniles and offer your strong support for SB 124.
Rest in power, Hugo ‘Yogi’ Pinell: A precious brother has been liberated from this...
A brother precious to us has been liberated from this earth! His soul is with the ancestors, acknowledged by the billions of galaxies and trillions of stars as extremely wise, bold and prudent. May your wisdom and knowledge serve as footprints to the many generations to follow. You will be deeply missed, Brother Hugo “Yogi” Pinell, but never forgotten.
Ferguson police intensify abuse, but no amount of tear gas, hatred and contempt will...
One year following the tragic killing of Michael Brown, with more and more people across the country acknowledging the systemic targeting of Black communities by law enforcement, police officials in St. Louis and St. Louis County have made no progress. Police officials remain unrepentant for their heavy-handed and violent reaction to people they are sworn to protect and serve.
I watched 14 police officers take down a one-legged homeless Black man outside Twitter...
Last week I was on my way to visit Medium’s headquarters in San Francisco to discuss a project that I’m working on, mainly focused around police brutality. Funnily enough (or not so), I ended up being over an hour late, because this happened. I recorded the incident Aug. 4, 2015, during the lunch hour. It involves a Black man who was taken down by police in the mid-Market area of San Francisco, between Seventh and Eighth streets.
‘The Spot’ brings back the hip hop countdown show
With the invention of the internet, blogs and YouTube, classic shows and magazines featuring our music, fashion and culture are a thing of the past. Or are they? Benny Franco and Jametria Johnson are the creators of a new video show for independent artists called “The Spot,” based out of Jibril James Fashions in Las Vegas. Although it is music-based, “The Spot” also explores fashion, sports, entrepreneurship and more.
Rwandan diaspora calls for release of Victoire Ingabire and Déo Mushayidi
Five Rwandan political parties and organizations – Amahoro PC, FDU-Inkingi, PDP-Imanzi, PS-Imberakuri and IHURIRO-RNC – have united in a common platform. The platform calls for the unconditional release of all political prisoners, including Mrs. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, president of FDU-Inkingi, and Déo Mushayidi, president of PDP-Imanzi.
SF Conservation Corps lets you EARN WHILE YOU LEARN
The San Francisco Conservation Corps will start the next orientation for the new cohort on August 31st , so be sure to attend one of...
California Attorney General Kamala Harris must end the barbaric practice of solitary confinement
California Attorney General Kamala Harris is nothing if not ambitious. Not content with being the Golden State’s top law enforcement officer – a position she has held since 2011, after serving seven years as San Francisco County’s district attorney – she’s currently running for the U.S. Senate and is the clear favorite to replace Barbara Boxer, who is retiring in November 2016. Harris must not miss this historic opportunity to end solitary confinement in California.
Hugo Pinell was assassinated under color of law
Hugo Pinell was assassinated at New Folsom State Prison. Like Comrade George, Hugo has been in the crosshairs of the system for years. His assassination exemplifies how racists working in conjunction with prison authorities commit murderous acts like this. We saw it on the yard at Soledad in 1970 and we see it again on the yard at Folsom in 2015. It comes at a time when prisoners are collectively trying to end decades of internal strife. Those who took his life have done a disservice to our movement. Their actions served the cause of the same oppressor we fought against!
Nate Wilks, 24, murdered by Oakland PD for running while Black
On Aug. 12, 2015, Nathaniel Wilks, 24, born Aug. 26 in New York City and father to a tiny beautiful baby girl named Kai’lei, was fatally shot in the back of his head as he slowed down with his hands up, back to the pigs, saying, “OK, OK, OK”! His girlfriend’s family and community resides in the Hunters Point district of San Francisco.
‘The Brothers Size’ and ‘Grounded’ at Ubuntu Theater
Ubuntu Theater’s production of Tarell Alvin McCraney’s “The Brothers Size” is simply phenomenal. Let’s start by saying this theater company, which has distinguished itself with a remarkable three-summer tenure, is amazing when you learn that the directors and most of the cast are students or alumni of the University of California, San Diego. Lucky for Bay Area theater lovers, Ubuntu is their practicum for a few months each summer.