Sunday, May 5, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2022


In response to the SF Civil Grand Jury report, Dr. Sumchai counter-punches with proposed next steps to address deadly Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Attention California Black contractors!

Wake up, People, Jim Crow is back!

Abort the patriarchy! Abolish slavery! Dance to life!

Transitions, struggles, victories and reminders from a walk in June with Baba Jahahara.

The greatest love

Struggle infused with loving determination makes the prize possible.

Haiti: The ransom is still being paid

Message to Haiti from u.s. empire and friends : You can pay to exist; we rule.

Liberate the Caged Voices

Elders, after decades still held in California prisons, bring real solutions to societal problems in the ‘free’ world.

Get ready to commemorate Black August

Why do we commemorate and what is Black August?

California Reparations Task Force supports anti-slavery language legislation ACA3 

Ending all vestiges of slavery in California is possible with unified efforts like ACA3 and California Reparations.

‘We’re still here’: Kevin Epps celebrates 20 years of ‘Straight Outta Hunters Point’

“Home. Bayview. Means a lot to me.” – Kevin Epps

Arieann Harrison continues her mother’s environmental justice advocacy for Bayview Hunters Point

Since 1974 and still, shamelessly causing disease and death to current and passed/past residents of Bayview Hunters Point – Lennar and Five Point, Tetra Tech EC and the u.s. Navy.

What is Revolutionary Huemanism and The Agreement to Come Home?

Elder abuse is not unique to medical settings; it is prevalent in prisons, with impunity.

Songs of tribute to Paul Redd, home with the ancestors

Roaring free, Paul Redd transitions to the ancestors in the brilliance of a love remembered and shared by Brothas.

“There is no cost too much to end slavery” – California Abolition Act Coalition

How do we learn our way out of California as a slave state?

Almost 50 years ain’t enough? Free Kenny Zulu Whitmore!

Often unjustly caged, prisoners keep hope, love and humanity alive for each other.

Johnny Depp: Huckleberry Finn at 59 

Johnny is an artist playing all these unfortunate guys who are judged harshly and get fucked around. He must defend the sad people that no one really notices.

Third in the World

"I'm reading a lynch mob's shoe strings like they were tea leaves / Teaching you how to write about cities"

Academic colonization and the UnHoused Nation

University systems and states capitalist colonialism perpetuate a combined offense against the UnHoused Nation depriving Black, Brown, Indigenous and poor of housing and education.

The WHY of the Prisoner’s Subscription Fund 

The Prisoner's Subscription Fund helps to educate, inside and out.

‘Please wake me when I’m free’: LA’s 2Pac museum

The brilliant life of Tupac Shakur unfolds as journalist Hunter walks through The Canvas.

Police for what? To kill or get us killed?

If the recent mass shooting at the elementary school in Texas has proved anything, it is that the police are highly armed, militarized cowards.