Friday, May 10, 2024

Abolition Now!

Writings and investigations from our siblings behind bars.

Against the odds, for a worthy cause

Embracing the journey to face his deepest fear, Antwann Johnson enters the realm of deep humanity.

To serve the people: Angola 3 celebrates common cause with Common Ground

We are not surprised that Malik Rahim is being hailed as one of the heroes of Hurricane Katrina. In 1997, Malik rediscovered information on our case and made it his mission to bring attention to the plight that Albert, King, myself and so many other Louisiana prisoners have endured in being unfairly convicted and sentenced. The Angola 3 went from obscurity to international recognition thanks to Malik’s efforts.

Day 52: Demand this abuse end now, today, before it’s too late for some...

California prisoner hunger strike advocates and supporters continue their efforts to compel state decision makers to negotiate with hunger strikers as they endure their 52nd day without food. Meanwhile, legal observers at Corcoran State Prison say that the 70 people still on strike at that facility are facing harsh retaliation by prison officials, including the denial of medical care and the confiscation of personal property.

Liberate our tortured elders

Liberate the Caged Voices, a program of California Prison Focus, provides a platform to hear directly from our caged community members, their families and loved ones to foster engagement with the local community, while exposing the truth of the toxic conditions experienced by California’s incarcerated people and the impact on their families. Adding art and culture, the idea is to build awareness, solidarity and human relationship amongst community members on both sides of the wall and take collective action.

Dying for sunlight

Political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal shares some thoughts on the hunger strike at Pelican Bay State Prison and one of the strikers' demands: sunlight.

A key reparation to descendants of slaves wouldn’t cost a dime

There should be no talk of reparations in the United States unless it includes the ending of the historic and horrific crime against humanity: the death penalty.

Free yourself into forgiveness

Britney Gulley eloquently describes the prison we each one of us inhabits to whatever degree we allow, as we alone and in community are the masters of the prison we choose to call home.

Asante! Free ‘em all! Pt. 2

By design, hypocrisy rules supreme[acy] of the united snakes of amerika.

A people’s revolution: It’s time!

We understand the importance of unity and how our oppressors have played us against each other for far too long. We can probably never get rid of agents/snitches/pig informants but to awake and realize what George’s concept really was about, a people’s revolution. It’s time!

I’m in my ‘Bay View mood’

My revolution begins by supporting the Bay View with a paid subscription, spreading the word about the Bay View newspaper and reading the Bay View!

Rattling the bars with Eddie Conway: Government targeting of Black activists reminiscent of COINTELPRO

In October 2017, a leaked memo entitled, “Black Identity Extremist Intelligent Assessment” revealed a government surveillance program targeting black activist liberation movements.

Is there any way you can get closer to home? A letter from the...

Cries for help are continuous from prisoners barely surviving the prison conditions in California, and everywhere in the U.S., – filthy, inhumane, dangerous and shameful.

Free the Atenco 13!

As economies crumble around the globe, states are becoming increasingly repressive, especially against those who are its political opponents and resisters.

Mumia Abu-Jamal could face death any day now

“Resistance is growing – preparations are in progress,” Dr. Suzanne Ross, a clinical psychologist and co-chairperson of the Free Mumia/NY Coalition explained to The Final Call. Ms. Ross said she attended the emergency meeting at the Abiding Truth Ministries church in Philadelphia on Oct. 17, where plans were laid out for the upcoming campaign to get Mr. Abu-Jamal freed.

The WHY of the Prisoner’s Subscription Fund

Prisoner’s subscriptions provide education and human interactions and relationships.

Ceasing to practice the gang lifestyle wasn’t enough

How to be the illuminated beacon of the seeds of a new social order.

San Francisco 8 preliminary hearing starts Monday, June 8

The case against the SF8 is a frame up based on torture-induced “confessions” and fabricated evidence. The same case was thrown out of court 30 years ago but was revived after 9/11 with money from Homeland Security. After two and a half long years, the preliminary hearing is finally starting on June 8 and is expected to last for three months. The hearing will determine whether or not the SF 8 will go to trial.

Unlock them up!

The People speak – no new, updated or refurbished jails or prisons. 

The WHY of the Prisoner Subscription Fund

Once you know, you can never not know the call to political activism, be it behind the wall or on the street.

Asante, Free ‘em all!

The corruption everywhere is so complete and so many are a part of it, with no moral threads remaining in the frock, that it’s almost impossible now to tell your own ass from a hole in the ground.