2009 March
Monthly Archives: March 2009
Three poems for Oscar Grant
Submit your creative expression - poem, photo, artwork, music, graffiti etc. - to the Oscar Grant Memorial Arts Project. Details follow the poems. Deadline is March 21
POOR’s poetry battle
The 2009 Poetry Luchador/Wrestling Battle of ALL of the Sexes was a multi-generational, multi-lingual, multi-cultural mash-up of art, gender, poetry, wrestling, language and theatre brought to you by your favorite revolutionary poets, media-makers, poverty scholars and cultural workers at POOR Magazine.
Wanda’s Picks for March 14
Kiilu Nyasha, Tarika Matilaba Lewis and Gail Asali Dickson are featured in the exhibit, "Woman Artists of the Black Panther Party," at the West Oakland Branch Library, 1801 Adeline St. The reception is Saturday, March 14, 1-3 p.m.
The Haiti connection: An open letter to Black people everywhere
Seeing the resilience of our beloved Haiti has strengthened my commitment to our global revolutionary liberation struggle - until the last drop of my Black royal blood.
36 years of solitude
An 18,000-acre complex that still resembles the slave plantation it once was, Angola Prison is where Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3 has served nearly all of his time in solitary confinement - 36 years, 2 months and 24 days.
Africom’s covert war in Sudan
I recently received a phone call from an investigator for the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, and I shared my uncertainty about the ethics of collaborating with an "International Criminal Court" that was only indicting Black Africans.
Black Is
Redevelopment comes in and out like thieves in the night turning the remaining community members into back-stabbing vultures and because we hate the very flesh that clothes our veins, we are pacified with deceiving gifts and fake promises of fair land distribution.
Ruling in the case of New Orleans City Council v. Tracie Washington
This case against Tracie Washington, champion of the rights of the poor to return to New Orleans, sets a frightening precedent: Make a successful public records request that an official doesn't like and you too could be summoned to court.
The holocaust in DR Congo: War for the sake of war itself
Cobalt is essential to our military industries’ ability to manufacture the modern weapons of war. So, the Congo War, a.k.a. the African holocaust, is a war for the sake of war itself.
It’s time to expose the sexual abuse of inmates by prison employees: Reports from...
While the general public has been exposed to stories of rape among prisoners, there is little awareness about the high incidence of brutal rape of both men and women by prison employees.
Snap shot: an interview with photographer Ayesha ‘Esh’ Walker
Photo exhibit and fundraiser Friday, March 13, 6-7:30 p.m., at Youth Radio, 1701 Broadway, Downtown Oakland: Help this young artist study in Egypt this summer.
Congo’s soccer champions win first Africa Cup
You don't have to be a soccer fan to see that this is great stuff, especially the scooch victory dance, performed sitting down on the soccer field.
Housing renovation funds may displace hundreds of families
Residents of affordable housing developments live in fear that renovation schemes will end up displacing them. To stop a new threat of displacement in Oakland, pack the CEDA meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2-4:30, Oakland City Hall Hearing Room 1, first floor.
Stop the evictions! Stop the demolition of public housing!
Rally and march Saturday, March 7, 1 p.m., Orleans and Claiborne Avenues in New Orleans to stop the demolition of Lafitte and the Mid-City area where the replacement for Charity Hospital is planned.
Wanda’s Picks for March
Grammy Award winning South African ensemble Ladysmith Black Mambazo is coming to town March 12 at UC Berkeley.
Seattle girl speaks about police beating
Seattle teen Malika Calhoun, 15, tells what led up to the vicious attack on her, caught on video, by police Deputy Paul Schene, how it felt and what she would like to see happen.
With ‘judges’ like these …
In Pennsylvania's Luzerne County, two judges just pled guilty to a conspiracy to convict and sentence juveniles to a private prison, so that they could get kickbacks from the prison's builders and owners.
Caravan for Justice puts Sacramento on notice
On Feb. 19, hundreds of people who have been attending town hall meetings in nine cities in and around the Bay Area - motivated by the BART police execution of Oscar Grant III and other critical threats to our communities - made the first of many Caravan for Justice trips to Sacramento.
Give the people single payer!
The California Universal Health Care Organizing Project wants President Obama to support congressional legislation authored by Rep. John Conyers that will stop the private health care insurance industry from denying claims, neglecting the sick and wasting 31 cents of every health care dollar.
Majora Carter: Greening the ghetto
MacArthur Genius Award-winning activist Majora Carter details her fight for environmental justice in the South Bronx.